Dayakan4 Dayak tribe is indigenous tribes of Borneo Island. So for Sampeyan outside the five mountains, Merapi, Merbabu, Telomoyo, Cleft, and Menoreh could be going wrong idea when they hear the word empower. Dayakan actually is one of the original art form Magelang.
The term empower first time I heard after graduating elementary school around the end of the 80s. Is Mas Tri, youth from around Blondho Brajan Hamlet who introduced me to empower the arts. Mas Tri own including early generation empower community members in the village. At that time I became acquainted with him when he was ngayahi septitenk project behind the house.
Dayakan actually a term for a group of wong reasons, namely inland tribes who are not familiar with the outside world. This term is misleading indeed referring to the Dayak tribe of Borneo. However, when viewed in passing from the costumes worn by this art exhibit, more similar to the Indians, indigenous peoples in the Americas.
Dayakan3Kemiripan use of fur clothing accessories-buluan in perhaps what makes this kind of art referred to as empowering, because it is often the Dayak people also use eagle feathers or bird Adjutant for the jewelry itself. Or perhaps the knowledge of the villagers about the names of the tribes in the new world to know the extent of Dayak tribe as a tribe outside of Java. Or it could be because the pronunciation of empowering more pleasant to hear than the word indianan, or indiaan. Or even perhaps a sense of fanaticism and melu handarbeni, as well as a sense of cultural tolerance as fellow sons and daughters of landless Indonesian water. Ahh did not clearly empower the historical ontology.
Dayakan can be expected is the development of cobra art students. Judging from the similarity ubo Rambe main gamelan is used, such as drum / drum, and bende appear once the similarities. Judging from the counterpoint that there are similarities dinyanyikanpun where many themed songs played mission, in addition to national songs, mocopatan, and mix the modern sari.
It's just that indeed there are some modifications in terms of formations and marching procedure that is more dynamic and without a rigid grip like the cobra. Additions such as organ accompanist, siter or lute empower more and add dynamic art. But one that certainly can be seen by naked eye, so the difference was that costume.
Today not only empower the arts flourished in the area Blondho and Paremono as pioneer areas only. You could say almost in every corner of the district which are spread throughout a community empower Magelang regency. Call it Borobudur, Pakis, or Ngablak, even Shamans are some districts that have many associations. The point is wider arts community who feel handarbeni this one.
In addition ditanggap for celebration events such as weddings, or circumcision, the art of empowering often staged for event celebrations such as Merti village, seven teens, carnival, until the tide mustoko mosque. Hopefully in the future more ngrembaka art can empower and develop, and could become an icon for the District of Magelang, or even able to reach the sky become one of the nation even the world's cultural heritage
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